On 19 November 2020, The Center for Training and Research on Substance Abuse – HIV, Hanoi Medical University organized a dissemination workshop “Results of K=K campaign round 2&3 and K=K champions: Moving K=K into the next phase”.
Current scientific evidence shows that PLHIV who are treated with ARV can achieve an “undetectable” viral load (under 200 copies/1 ml blood) and are extremely unlikely to transmit HIV to others via sexual intercourse, K=K is a global community movement by people living with and affected by HIV. K=K movement (K=K is an acronym of Undetectable = Untransmitted in Vietnamese) supports for PWLH gain more confidence in lives, and motivates them to uptake and retention in HIV treatment. Based on the scientific findings, in the project “Expand the Capacity to Implement Program and Operational Evaluation and Health System Strengthening for HIV prevention, treatment and care in Vietnam from 2018 to 2013” supported by CDC-PEPFAR, Hanoi Medical University requested the call of proposals from community based organizations to convey the K=K message in communities, started from June 2018.

Participating in the workshop were representatives from Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control (VAAC) – Ministry of Health, Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA), The Partnership for Health Advancement in Vietnam (HAIVN) as well as medical staff from out-patient clinics and representatives from community based organizations.

In the opening remarks, Dr.Hoang Dinh Canh – Deputy Director of VAAC/Ministry of Health emphasized the importance of K=K message for community. In addition, he thanked for all organizations and CBOs who supported to spread that meaningful K=K message.

At the workshop, representatives from CREATA-H, ALOBOY, Mat troi cua be and U.S CDC reported the achievement, facilitators and challenges during K=K campaign implementation. Also in the workshop, there were many positive feedbacks from CBO champions in terms of K=K findings brought for them and their connections and expectation to continuous activities of K=K movement with support from PEPFAR/U.S CDC and Hanoi Medical University.
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