From November 9th to 11th, 2023, Vietnam – International Technology Transfer Center (V-ITTC) (Hanoi Medical University) in collaboration with The Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (DAP) organize a training course and international certification examination for experts in the field of addiction treatment (ICAP1).
The training course saw the participation of 21 trainees from various universities, hospitals, and healthcare facilities directly involved in the field of research and addiction treatment. Participants represented institutions such as the Center for Training and Research on Substance Abuse and HIV, Hanoi University of Medicine; Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy; University of Labor and Social Affairs; National Children’s Hospital; Hanoi CDC, Hai Phong CDC, and more. The training was conducted under the guidance and instruction of two experts, Dr. Yatan from India and Mr. Achmad from Indonesia.

With many years of experience as a psychiatrist treating patients with substance use disorder issues, Dr. Yatan and Mr. Achmad shared their clinical experiences and provided an overview of the fundamental pharmacology of psychoactive substances. They focused on specific target groups and the associated challenges, considering mental disorders and comorbidities within these populations. Throughout the training, participants exchanged and shared their personal experiences in treatment and counseling, allowing them to draw insights for their own professional development. However, working with patients poses various difficulties and challenges, particularly in the adolescent group and among those with polydrug use. Through the exchange between participants and instructors, professional issues were addressed, contributing to the enhancement of participants’ skills and capabilities.
In the morning of November 12, 2023, the group of trainees participated in the international certification examination (ICAP 1). The exam covered the knowledge and skills necessary to become a competent expert in the field of substance addiction. The examination was conducted under the supervision of Ms. Samitha, the supervisor from the Colombo Plan.

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